You are safe in God




Little Lives Lost

Memorial Service for Bereaved Families

Saturday 26th July
9:45am - 10:30am

RSVP 21st July


The loss of a child is one of the hardest burdens to bear, and the suffering experienced by parents can endure for years. World Harvest Church wishes to support families who have endured this sadness. We are holding a special memorial service to provide a meaningful, healing way to honour the memory of your child.

Whether the loss was recent or long ago; whether the loss occurred as the result of miscarriage, stillbirth, illness, adoption or tragedy; regardless of the age of your child, we warmly invite you to attend the memorial service.  When such tragedies occur the whole family is affected, so we want siblings, grandparents, and other family members to feel welcome so they can grieve in their own way.

The 30-minute service, appropriate for family members of all ages, will be followed by morning tea and a balloon launch. Each family who attends will receive an inspiring and comforting book on the topic of losing a child.

For planning and catering purposes, we request you register your interest by emailing or ringing 3261-4555 by 21st July.






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